Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Heart in the Hand of the Matter

First off, a whole boatload of thanks to the folks who were inspired to comment on my last entry, making it the most. commented. entry. evar. This is probably going to be a slow-burning issue, as there are a lot of irons in the fire at present. Especially given the ever-changing condition of the mini-Beach Ghost.

The latest news on that front has been both good and bad. The good: she didn't need to have a second MRI, as they would have had to anesthetize her on this occasion, something they don't like to do unless they positively have to. She did have a CAT scan, which pretty conclusively (remember, nothing is ever 100%) eliminated the posibiliity of the growth being malignant.

The bad: the tests have shown that the obstruction of bloodflow from her heart has not improved. While this doesn't constitute an immediate emergency, it is unfortunately something that can only be treated surgically. At this point, we don't yet have a definitive date as to when we'll need to take her in, but it will probably be toward the end of this month or the beginning of the next.

I'm of two minds about the prospect of my three-month-old being opened up for major surgery. On the one hand, just thinking about what the surgery will entail is enough to keep me up nights. On the other, once she has come out of surgery, the Beach Ghostlette should be free of any heart complications. Should, of course, being the opeartive word.

More as details become available.

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