Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Eye of the Zombie

So, it's almost 2:00 in the morning and I'm still awake, but hopefully not for too much longer.

It started simply enough. The mini-Beach Ghost and My Lovely Wife went off to visit some family for an overnight trip a few weeks ago. The morning after they returned, our little one awoke with her right eye glued shut. And so it was that conjunctivitis came for an extended stay at the Beach Ghost household.

About a week after the Beach Ghostlette first started oozing eye pus, it passed along to MLW's right eye. A few days after that, it moved on to her left. Now, it's my left eye's turn. Truth be told, I'm rather amazed that I held out this long. Generally, if there's an illness that needs a host, I'm usually the first stop.

I thought that I was at the tail end of the infection this evening, since most of my discharge was getting more watery in nature. But when I hit the sack this evening, my entire being seemed to be focused on the fact that my affected eye was getting sticky...and itchy. Couldn't really think of anything else, actually. Ooze and itch, ooze and itch. I'd get up, wipe the eye clean, try it again. Nope, still felt itchy.

So I gave up being nice, and slammed down some drugs. Now I'm just waiting for them to kick in, and then I believe that I'm going to care very little for what my eye feels like. I'm probably going to look and act like some kind of mindless automaton for the majority of tomorrow morning because of it, but that really seems a small price to pay at this point.

Although pink eye is contagious, MLW and I have been doing our diligent best to avoid direct physical contact of any sort with anyone. If we did happen to pass it along, let me state for the record that we are very, very, very, very sorry.

Oh, and by the way, I'd recommend not using Google's image search to look up "bacterial conjunctivitis." A word to the wise...

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