Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Not sure how to categorize this particular post. Perhaps "Random Crap That Shuffles Through My Brain" or perhaps "You've Heard it Before, But Becoming a Parent Changes Your Perspective." In any event...

I was recently listening to the remastered version of Robert Fripp's Exposure (which is quite good, by the way) when I came to the track "NY3." The piece features some of Fripp's patented fret complexities over a field recording he made in his Hell's Kitchen apartment during the time he lived in NYC. It's a Mother and Father (or so they've been indentified in the liners) arguing with their pregnant Daughter. At one point, the Mother yells:

You don't know whether it's a nigger or a spic or a white baby
You've got to go for an abortion baby
I never had to

In his notes about the remastering, Fripp states:

"I was told by my landlord, several years later, that the family arguments downstairs continued after the pregnant daughter became a mother."

The recording was made in the summer of '78, so the pregnant daughter probably gave birth no later than '79. This would make the child around 27 years old now. And I couldn't help but wonder how that kid's life has turned out. Has it been as awful as one might expect? Does he or she know that there's a recording of his mother and grandparents going toe to toe that's been heard by thousands of people? Has he or she been able to forgive them?

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