Sunday, May 01, 2005

Hearts Can Be That Way

I realized, in the midst of my rather protracted ramblings about music, that I hadn't presented an update on the Beach Ghostlette since the end of our ordeal in March. Rest assured, this is a good thing. (Not the lack of updates, but the lack of anything to report.)

In fact, our little bundle of joy recently went back to the hospital for a 6-week, post-op check-up and was pronounced in fine shape. Her doctor advised my wife that mini-BG's heart would never be featured in "Playboy for Hearts" (a rather interesting concept in itself), and that any doctor who wasn't familiar with her case would mistakenly believe that there was something wrong. Something we'll be keeping in mind, to be sure.

The baby also had to be fitted with a monitor for a 24-hour reading of her heart rhythms, which also turned out a-ok.

And the news keeps getting better and better. A couple weeks ago we started mini-BG on solid foods, and she has taken to it like a duck to water. She even grasps the concept of opening her mouth and not sticking out her tongue. So she's also putting on weight at a steadier rate.

What else? She's generally jolly, sleeps through the night (a few random interruptions aside), and is one of the highlights of my day--every day.

And now, a question for the 'blogosphere: I have two potential topics that I'm thinking of blathering on about for my next entry. One is the long-delayed second part of my Springsteen dissertation. The second is about Poland.

What say ye?

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