Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Two Hundred Dollars Straight In

Work on the next part of my Springsteen dissertation continues at a snail's pace; in the meantime, I'm absorbing his latest.

My only comment on the work thus far isn't related to the music. Rather, I find it hi-lar-ious (sic) that the song "Reno" got tagged with a warning ('This Song Contains Some Adult Imagery') for this lyric:

Two-fifty up the ass

Yet there's no parental warning sticker for the f-bomb he drops on another song.

And speaking of the "F word," a big middle finger to the marketing wonks at Columbia Records who deemed it necessary to usher in their new "DualDisc" format by creating a new CD case that is destined to break in short order. Thanks for that, folks.

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