Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Caught by the River

Boy, time slips away, doesn't it?

By the way, it's now official: I'm once again a cog in the corporate machine. I received an offer letter last week, which I accepted. The money we'll be saving simply by no longer paying COBRA made the answer an easy one. As is almost needless to say, that's quite a load off at the Beach Ghost household.

In other news, I'll be steering the good ship USS Creativity into some familiar waters, for a project that I will henceforth be calling Bride of the Beast. Work on the Bride will be shoehorned into those spare moments when I am not working my straight job or staying connected to my family.

What this means, you constantly refreshing readers (to brutalize a phrase), is that the ole 'blog is going to be demoted to third fiddle status. Updates, sporadic as they've been of late, will become even more so. As it is, I should be putting the finishing touches on the Bride's outline instead of attempting to string together sensical sentences here, but thought a formal "see ya later" would be appropriate.

Be well all, and I'll be back in three months at the latest.

Oh, and if you're looking for another musical recommendation (given how ridiculously spot-on I was with Sleater-Kinney) you could do worse than spending your dour-lyrics-with-a-healthy-pop-sheen dollar on the Pernice Brothers latest. Favorite song of late has been "Saddest Quo." But you should really here it for yourself.

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