Monday, July 25, 2005


Creation of the Bride of the Beast has been going swimmingly well--I've finished the first third of the plot. Once again, it is due in no small part to having created an outline beforehand.

Now, I have no idea where I am in terms of actual number of words. I suspect the plot's second third is going to be the lengthiest. But I'm currently running way ahead of where I had scheduled myself to be. Granted, I had only scheduled myself to be writing about 1,000 words a week, but still...

In other news, the author of the books from which the mini-Beach Ghost received her name has responded to my e-mail regarding the name's etymology. (As always, specific details have been removed to give the little cutie some privacy.)

As for the origins of the name, alas, so far as I know I just made it up. [Character's sister's name] was created first, and given a hard, sharp, two syllable name that seemed to fit her brusque and sharp-edged personality. I wanted something softer and more feminine for her sister, to underline the differences between the two girls, and [name of mini-BG] seemed to have the right sound to it.

So, straight from the horse's mouth, as it were.

And now, to prepare for the day ahead...

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