Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's Human Nature

The Beach Ghostlette turned two last week, and we threw a combination birthday/costume party on Halloween to celebrate. A plethora of adorable children attended, turning our place into a chaotic whirlwind (and reminding me in the process why I'm very happy with just the one child, thangyewverymuch).

Of the gifts that the little miss received, of particular interest to her was a tea party set. We took it out of the box after we had finished trick or treating, and she immediately began to serve tea to MLW and I.

Not very interesting in and of itself...except for the fact that MLW and I drink tea very rarely and have never had a tea party to the best of my knowledge (in my wilder days...but that's a story for another time).

So it seems obvious to me that this was not learned behavior; that this stereotypically female behavior was hardwired into her brain from the moment her neurons started to fire. It's pretty amazing, that genetics just kick in when the proper stimuli present themselves.

But it's also a bit scary. What other stuff is lying dormant in there? Will she decide that she'd rather talk on the phone than work on math and science? Will she believe that her gender makes her the "weaker sex?" Will she be a "shopaholic?"

I'd like to think that some of my "maleness" will rub off (or at least that she won't grow up to be a Braves fan), even if I don't exactly overflow with machismo. If she can at least grok how I think and what I enjoy, perhaps she'll be better prepared when she steps out into a world dominated by men.

I can hope.

BTW, a tip of the hat to the staff of the Wrong Turn Journal for providing the gift. Obviously one of the more memorable ones. ;)

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