Thursday, August 02, 2007

I Wish I Wasn't Flesh & Blood / I Would Not Be Scared

I'm pretty certain that I must get my inability to disguise my emotional state from my mother, because I could tell something was wrong before she had even spoken 10 words on the phone.

Turns out, my stepfather had awoken early in the morning with chest pains. By the time she called, they had already been at the hospital for several hours. An initial stress test wasn't totally enlightening, but neither were the signs that encouraging.

As the day progressed, some of the holes were filled in. He'd not had a heart attack, but there was definitely an obstruction of some sort. Tomorrow morning he'll be undergoing a coronary angiogram to find out the precise extent of the blockage. Remediation could range from a stent to a full-blown bypass. Frankly, neither option enthralls me, but then again I'm sure he's not looking forward to it either.

I got to speak to him later in the day, and he seemed in fine spirits. My mother told me not to bother driving out, as there was not much to do but wait. But waiting is very, very difficult.

More when there's more to report.

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