Saturday, January 19, 2008

Get Ready to Wiggle

I'm not quite certain how I managed to pull this off, but I somehow managed to avoid contracting the flu that had afflicted MLW and the mini-BG. After my last post, our nanny also came down with the bug, so it's not like it wasn't contagious. I did have some persistent indigestion in the form of gas for a couple days, but that was the extent of anything untoward.

Mind you, me being the only person in the household not coming down with an illness never happens. MLW has an immune system like a...well, something both healthy and sexy. So I'm counting myself extremely lucky.

In other news on the family front, the beach ghostlette has been going through an interesting stage the past few days of requesting that I adopt the persona of "Daddy Wiggle." This despite the fact that she really doesn't watch the Wiggles much anymore (although she did ask if she could see them in person this week). So in order to adopt this persona, all I have to do is attempt an Australian accent (which, while pretty bad to begin with, usually slips into an even worse attempts at Cockney) throw in the occasional "beauty, mate," and add the word "wiggle" to pretty much every noun in existence: wiggle toddler, wiggle cat, wiggle bet, and so on, ad infinitum.

What's particularly interesting about this phenomenon is that she's being much more reasonable about everyday requests when Daddy Wiggle makes them. Usually, dinnertime is a series of unending (and increasingly forceful) reminders about eating the food in her bowl. However, Daddy Wiggle only needs make these requests once.

So, the way I figure it, this is because she either:

--Likes the Wiggles
--Likes Australians
--Prefers Daddy Wiggle to my actual personality
--Wants to make certain her father keeps his role-playing chops up to par
--Is preparing for her own entry into the gaming world

Alternate theories being accepted in the comments.

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