The Sword of Damocles is Hanging Over My Head
The new year has not gotten off to a healthy start here in house beach ghost. Both the mini-BG and I came down with head colds immediately after Christmas, and I'm still somewhat congested a couple weeks later (by the way, there's nothing quite like waking up in the morning and coughing up a semi-hard lump of dark green phlegm. Yum!).
Then, the mini-BG woke up around 2 in the morning on Sunday night/Monday morning complaining that she was not feeling well. After injesting about .01ml of Children's Tylenol, she began vomiting, a process that she would repeat throughout the night at approximately every hour and a half. MLW began feeling nauseated yesterday morning, and felt so bad by the time she got home that she went directly to bed and has barely left it since. The beach ghostlette is still not 100%, but after a day of eating very little and drinking her own weight in fluids, she's probably over the worst part. Hopefully MLW will also be improved by the time I get home.
But I have a hunch that I'm going to be spending some quality time with the plumbing by the time the week is out. I'll let you all know what color things turn out.
I hope you and your little one are feeling better. Your malaise has cost you: WTJ beat you to press with his top 10 albums of 2007.
Thanks for the well wishes, OTD. The little one and my wife are much better. Aside from a minor, persistent case of gas, I've been completely asymptomatic.
As for my top 10, I don't rush to judgement--unlike some bloggers; my list probably won't be ready until February. I'm sorry to say that you will likely be disappointed in my list yet again, as the hardcore is not represented. Well, unless you consider M.I.A. hardcore.
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